Zsolt Spéder and Lajos Bálint. Realization of Short-Term Fertility Intentions in a Comparative Perspective: Which Macro-Level Conditions Matter?. Population Research and Policy Review, volume 43, issue 5, pages 1-49, 2024. Martina Beham-Rabanser, Caroline Berghammer, and Ulrike Zartler. Neue Normalitäten in Partnerschaft und Elternschaft in Österreich? Wandel von Verhalten, Einstellungen und rechtlichen Normen.. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, pages 1-31, 2024. Stephanie Coffey, Olga Maslovskaya, and Cameron McPhee. Recent Innovations and Advances in Mixed-Mode Surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, volume 12, issue 3, pages 507-531, 2024. Gordey Yastrebov and Vanessa Wittemann. Reconstructing Prospective Intergenerational Educational Mobility in 12 Countries.. Demography, volume 61, issue 4, pages 1117-1142, 2024. Sanan Abdullayev and Allan Puur. Varying responses to the introduction of earnings-related benefits: a study of 2004 parental leave reform in Estonia. Journal of Population Research, volume 41, issue 4, pages 1-31, 2024. Salin, Milla, Danial R. Meyer, Mia Hakovirta, and Eija Lindroos. Factors Associated with the Joint Physical Custody of European Children. Population Research and Policy Review, volume 4, pages 1-25, 2024. Nasim Ahamed Mondal. Fertility intentions and perceived health status: A study of Polish migrants and non-migrants. Journal of Migration and Health, 2024. Roos Barker and Isabella Buber-Ennser. Uncertainty and flexibility of fertility intentions. Advances in Life Course Research, volume 61, 2024. Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson and Johan Dahlberg. The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021 : Forerunner of new modules for the Generations and Gender Programme. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 57, 145–164.. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, volume 57, pages 145-164, 2024. Anna Hägglund, Tiia Sorsa, Venla Berg and Anna Rotkirch. The first Generations and Gender Survey in Finland: data collection and data quality.. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, volume 57, pages 107-126, 2024. Alyona Artamonova, Tiia Sorsa, Venla Berg, Anna Erika Hägglund, and Anna Rotkirch. Counting on parents or others? The role of social support for fertility intentions in Finland. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, volume 57, pages 165-190, 2024. Alan Puur, Lule Sakkeus, Liili Abuladze, Mark Gortfelder, Martin Klesment, Leen Rahnu, and Tiina Tambaum. The Estonian Generations and Gender Survey 2020:: Experience with large-scale web-based data collection.. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, volume 57, pages 127-144, 2024. Bram Hogendoorn and Lonneke van den Berg. The educational diffusion of divorce: The role of gender and context. Journal of Marriage and Family, volume 86, pages 1-24, 2024. Bernd Weiß, Sonja Schulz, Lisa Schmid, Sebastian Sterl and Anna-Carolina Haensch. Harmonizing and Synthesizing Partnership Histories from Different German Survey Infrastructures. Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, Wiley, 2024. W. Grzenda. Short-term fertility intentions and outcomes: similarities and differences between childless women and mothers. Journal of Family Studies, April 2024. Maja Gustafsson. The work/family balance in Norway. Exploring Norway's Fertility, Work, and Family Policy Trends, OECD Publishing, 2023. Victor Leocádio, Anne Gauthier, Monika Mynarska and Rafael Costa. The Quality of Fertility Data in the Web-Based Generations and Gender Survey. Demographic research, volume 49, pages 31-46, 2023. Martin Kreidl, Anna Šťastná, Barbora Hubatková, Jitka Slabá, Tomáš Zvoníček and Dominika Sladká. „Současná česká rodina“ – dokumentace k datům [ The Contemporary Czech Family - data documentation]. 2023. Laurent Toulemon, Géraldine Charrance, Paul Cochet, Ignacio Pardo and Arieke Rijken. Generations and Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project (GGP-5D): Technical paper on analysing multi-mode GGS data for users. HAL Open Science, 2023. Martin Bujard and Gert G. Wagner. Die Zukunft sozialwissenschaftlicher Surveys und Panelinfrastrukturen. WISTA - Wirtschaft und Statisti, Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis), volume 6, pages 56-68, 2023. Zuzana Zilincikova, Jan Skopek and Thomas Leopold. Children of Separation: An International Profile. Population and Development Review, volume 49, pages 859-878, 2023. Linda Kridahl and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Depressive symptoms, gender equality and belongingness among older partnered individuals in Sweden. Community, Work & Family, volume Online first, 2023. Dominika Perdoch Sladká and Martin Kreidl. The Link Between Sexual Disagreements and Separation Proneness: Differences Between Men and Women in a Culturally Diverse Sample. The Journal of Sex Research, volume Online first, 2023. Martin Kreidl and Barbora Hubatková. Partnership satisfaction in Czechia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Demographic Research, volume 49, issue 24, pages 635-650, 2023. Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson and Johan Dahlberg. The Swedish Generations and Gender Survey 2021: Forerunner of new modules for the Generations and Gender Programme [working paper no 2023:26]. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2023. Dimitri Mortelmans, Elke Claessens and Gert Thielemans. Defining and measuring singlehood in family studies. Journal of Family Theory & Review, volume 15, issue 3, 2023. Tobias Gummer, Pablo Christmann and Tanja Kunz. Gaining Consent to Survey Respondents’ Partners: The Importance of Anchors’ Survey Experience in Self-administered Modes. Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, 2023. Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer and Carolin Thönnissen. Disparities in Subjective Well-being by Sexual Orientation: Comparing Cohorts from pairfam’s (2008-09) and FReDA’s (2021) Baseline Waves. Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, 2023. Ludovica Gambaro, Katharina C. Spiess, Katharina Wrohlich and Elena Ziege. Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age. Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, 2023. Martin Bujard, Karsten Hank and Reinhard Pollak. Family Research and Demographic Analysis – New Insights from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA). Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, 2023. Sonja Schulz. Die intergenerationale Transmission von Scheidung im zeitlichen Wandel. Eine Meta-Analyse mit gepoolten Originaldaten. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, volume 52, issue 3, 2023. Zsuzsanna Makay. Paid Parental Leave Reforms and Mothers’ Employment in Austria, France and Hungary. Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, 2023. Ana Fostik, Mariana Fernández Soto, Fernando Ruiz-Vallejo and Daniel Ciganda. Union Instability and Fertility: An International Perspective. European Journal of Population, volume 39, 2023. Jonas Wood, Karel Neels and Julie Maes. A closer look at demand-side explanations for the Matthew effect in formal childcare uptake in Europe and Australia. Journal of European Social Policy, volume 33, issue 4, 2023. Willem Adema and Jonas Fluchtmann. Overview: Facing a future with demographic change in Norway. Exploring Norway's Fertility, Work, and Family Policy Trends, OECD Publishing, 2023. Linda Kridahl and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Relationship satisfaction and money pooling among older working and retired couples in Sweden. Family Relations, 2023. Jan Brzozowsk. Uwarunkowania przemian demogracznych w województwie małopolskim. Postawy prokreacyjne [Conditions for demographic change in Poland. Fertility intentions ]. Rządowa Rada Ludnościowa, 2023. Selin Köksal and Alice Goisis. 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Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska and Magdalena Grabowska. The sex preference for children in Europe: Children’s sex and the probability and timing of births. Demographic research, volume 48, issue 8, pages 203-232, 2023. Charalampos Dantis, Ester Lucia Rizzi and Thomas Baudin. The Association between Religiosity and Fertility Intentions Via Grandparenting: Evidence from GGS Data. European Journal of Population, volume 39, issue 1, 2023. Marcela Trávníčková and Martin Kreidl. The Stability of Co-residential Partnerships after First Birth: Did the ‘protective effect of marriage’ increase after 1989?. Czech Sociological Review, volume 59, issue 1, 2023. Ralina Panova, Isabella Buber-Ennser and Martin Bujard. How socio-cultural factors and opportunity costs shape the transition to a third child. Journal of Family Research, volume 35, 2023. D. P. Sladká and M. Kreidl. The Link Between Sexual Disagreements and Separation Proneness: Differences Between Men and Women in a Culturally Diverse Sample. The Journal of Sex Research, November 2023. Sandra Krapf, Isabella Buber-Ennser, and Martin Bujard. Education and Intended Number of Children in Germany,Moldova and Norway: An International Comparison UsingFReDA and GGS-II-data. Comparative Population Studies, volume 48, pages 589-589, October 2023. Judith C. Koops. Calculating contraceptive prevalence and unmet need for family planning in low-fertility countries with the Generations and Gender Survey. Demographic research, July 2023. N. Rebière, N. Cauchi-Duval, L. Britah, Z. Deloeil, I. Munoz-Bertrand, A. Redonnet, and M. Tocqueville. Volume 78 Time Spent Without a Cohabiting Partner: An Analysis Across Cohorts in France. Population, volume 78, issue 2, pages 253-280, April 2023.