Ryohei Mogi, Albert Esteve and Vegart F. Skirbekk. The Decline of Spanish Fertility: The Role of Religion. European Journal of Population, volume 38, 2022. Sunee Billingsley and Livia Oláh. Patterns of Co‐Residential Relationships Across Cohorts in Post‐Socialist Countries: Less Time for Childbearing?. Social Inclusion, volume 10, issue 3, 2022. Maria Letizia Bosoni and Sara Mazzucchelli. Researching fathers through surveys: methodological challenges. Fathers, families and relationships : researching everyday lives, pages 47-71, 2022. Tom Emery, Susana Cabaco, Luisa Fadel, Peter Lugtig, Vera Toepoel, Almut Schumann, Detlev Lück and Martin Bujard. Breakoffs in an hour long online survey. 2022. Tomáš Zvoníček, Martin Kreidl, and Petr Fučík. Partnership Satisfaction and Conflict among Czech Couples during the Pandemic-related Employment Insecurity. Sociální studia/Social Studies, volume Online first, pages 1-24, 2022. Dominika Sladká, and Martin Kreidl. Práce z domova, konflikty mezi prací a rodinou a kvalita partnerství v době pandemie covidu-19 [Working from Home, Work–Family Conflicts and Partnership Quality during the Covid-19 Pandemic]. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, volume 58, issue 4, pages 373-400, 2022. UN DESA Population Division,. Methodology Report. World Contraceptive Use 2022: Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2022. United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs, 2022. Sylva Höhne. Life satisfaction and material living condition determinants in the first year of the coronavirus pandemic - Determinanty životní spokojenosti a materiálních životních podmínek v prvním roce pandemie covidu-19. Fórum sociální politiky, volume 2, issue 2, pages 9-14, 2022. Linda Kridahl and Ann-Zofie Duvander. Financial Disagreements and Money Management Among Older Married and Cohabiting Couples in Sweden. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2022. K. Ishchanova. Home Alone: Exploring Childcare Options to Remove Barriers to Second Childbearing in Belarus. Social Inclusion, volume 10, issue 3, pages 112-123, August 2022. Momoko Nishikido, Qi Cui, and Albert Esteve. Partnership dynamics and the fertility gap between Sweden and Spain. Genus, August 2022. Petr Fučík. Couple disagreements and partnership stability in 10 European countries: Could differences in gender equality explain cross-national variations?. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, August 2022. Giorgio Piccitto, Aart C. Liefbroer, and Tom Emery. Does the Survey Mode Affect the Association Between Subjective Well-being and its Determinants? An Experimental Comparison Between Face-to-Face and Web Mode. Journal of Happiness Studies, July 2022. Sunnee Billingsley, Gerda Neyer, and Katharina Wesolowski. Social Investment Policies and Childbearing Across 20 Countries: Longitudinal and Micro-Level Analyses. European Journal of Population, June 2022. Lin Rouvroye, Olga Grünwald, and Anne Gauthier. Young adults question normative roles of men and women in society. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving, volume 38, issue 6, pages 4, June 2022. Carlijn Bussemakers, Gerbert Kraaykamp, and Jochem Tolsma. Variation in the educational consequences of parental death and divorce: The role of family and country characteristics. Demographic Research, volume 46, pages 581-618, March 2022. Jonathan Lindström, Eleonora Mussino, and Livia Sz Oláh. Childbearing among Polish migrant women and their descendants in Sweden: an origin-destination country approach. Journal of Population Research, March 2022. Andrés F. Castro Torres, Ewa Batyra, Mikko Myrskylä. Income Inequality and Increasing Dispersion of the Transition to First Birth in the Global South. Population and Development Review, February 2022. Gordey Yastrebov. Revisiting the historical trend of educational stratification in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, volume 77, pages 100662, February 2022. Tom Emery and Judith Koops. The impact of COVID-19 on fertility behaviour and intentions in a middle income country. Plos One, volume 17, issue 1, pages e0261509, January 2022.