#=============================================================================== # 22-23/10/2019 -- GGP Data Visualization Workshop - Paris # Pre-install packages # Ilya Kashnitsky, ilya.kashnitsky@gmail.com #=============================================================================== # First, install pacman to deal easier with other packages # solution by Sacha Epskamp from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9341833/4638884 if (!require('pacman', character.only = TRUE)) { install.packages('pacman', dep = TRUE) if (!require('pacman', character.only = TRUE)) stop("Package not found") } # install packages pacman::p_load( install = T, update = F, tidyverse, magrittr, rio, janitor, plotly, paletteer, # all patettes in one place ticolore, Cairo, shiny, # ggplot extensions ggthemes, hrbrthemes, ggtern, ggridges, GGally, ggrepel, ggforce, ggpmisc, treemap, geofacet, gghighlight, gganimate, tweenr, cowplot, # rspatial rgdal, rgeos, sf, raster, tmap, leaflet, # data eurostat, HMDHDFplus, gapminder, wpp2015 )