We had announced previously that the next meeting of the GGP Council would be held in Italy, in concert with the European Population Conference 2020 (which has now been cancelled). Due to the contingency measures to contain COVID-19, it was decided that the meeting will still take place on the same date but will be Online. It will be held, from 13:00-15:00 (Amsterdam time) on Wednesday, June 24, 2020.
The GGP Council meeting will be the occasion to discuss further with national teams their progress towards fielding the new GGS. The GGP Council meeting is also open to other national teams who have not yet considered the possibility of participating in the GGS2020.
Given the format of this meeting, we need to restrict participation to one person per national team. We therefore ask national teams to designate this representative and to inform the GGP Central Hub about the name of this person. Please also indicate if she/ he would like to make a short presentation during the meeting (presentations will be limited to 5 minutes) – please email ggp@nidi.nl before 1 June 2020.
Provisional agenda:
13:00: Welcome, adoption of minutes, adoption of agenda
13:10: Short presentation from the Central Hub about recent developments
13:30-14:45: National teams presentations (5 minutes each)
14h45: Q&A, conclusion and next meeting
We ask all national teams provide a brief update on the activities and progress in their country by 25 May. This is vital to help us track progress and monitor developments. You can fill out the report here:
To consult the minutes and documentation of the last meeting that took place in Paris in October 2019 please consult: http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=52229.
General queries may be directed to ggp@nidi.nl.
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