Data access

Access to GGP data

Data from the Generations and Gender Programme is available freely for non-commercial purposes. To gain access to the micro data, please register in the GGP User Space and sign the respective data agreement. 

Data is available upon signing the “Statement of Affiliation, Confidentiality, and Terms of Acceptable Usage for GGS Data Sets” and providing the necessary personal information. You can request access to the data online in the GGP data portal. Once your request is submitted, we will review it promptly. For most datasets, access is typically granted within 1-2 working days. However, if your request comes from an institution where no one has previously requested access, or if you’re requesting data from the FFS, GGS-I Norway, or GGS-I Australia datasets, the process may take longer. To expedite your request, we recommend registering with your institutional email address.

Note: This access procedure applies to all datasets except for data from GGS-I Norway, GGS-I Australia, and FFS, which requires a different application process. 

Access to data from the Family and Fertility Survey

FFS data is available for upon completion of the “Family and Fertility Survey – Application for Micro Data User” form, along with a research abstract explaining why you need the data for your research, and providing the necessary personal information. You can complete and submit this application online. Access to FFS data may take longer than for other datasets due to the review process.

Access to data from GGS-I Norway and GGS-I Australia

Data from GGS-I Norway and GGS-I Australia is available after providing an abstract of the research plans and providing the necessary personal information, and sending by email the signed documents to The documents are available upon requesting access to the data in the GGP Data Portal.

    • the Cooperation Agreement has to be signed once by the head of department or institution (as mentioned under Representative in the application). 
    • the Pledge of Confidentiality has to be signed by the main applicant and supervisor (for students) 
    • the Statement of Affiliation has to be signed by an authorized person (representative) at the institution on behalf of the applicants and supervisor (for students)

Access procedure for students

According to the data access protocol, students are required to obtain a co-signature from their academic supervisor on the Statement of affiliation, confidentiality and terms of acceptable usage. This policy is in place to ensure the integrity and accountability of the research process, as well as to provide an additional layer of oversight and guidance. To do so, the student can download the statement as a pdf to get the signature of their supervisor and send it then by email to 

Using GGP data for teaching 

If you would like to use GGP data for teaching purposes, please get in touch with us for more information. 


Terms of acceptable usage

Data users have to accept the following Terms of Acceptable Usage:

(a) Data must only be processed for research purposes and used in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation and regulations concerning the processing of personal data.

(b) Users must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data from damage, loss, unauthorized alteration, misappropriation, and access by unauthorized persons.

(c) Users must maintain the confidentiality of respondents in the Generations and Gender Programme micro-data sets. They must not attempt to identify individual survey respondents or other household members and must notify the Generations and Gender Programme and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) immediately if they inadvertently identify any individuals or discover a means of doing so.

(d) The data must only be used for genuine non-commercial, non-proprietary scientific, and policy research purposes. Users must not attempt to derive any financial gain from the data or research based on the data.

(e) Users must not give access to the micro-data to any third party. All collaborators actively working with the data must be registered on the GGP website, be employed at a scientific institution, and accept these terms of acceptable usage. If the user is a current student or research affiliate, their supervisor must be listed among the collaborators. Teachers employed at a scientific institution may only share the data with students who have signed the terms of acceptable usage.

(f) Any attempts to disseminate copies of the data, in whole or in part, or to identify individual respondents, may result in prosecution under applicable laws.

(g) Users must submit details of any research papers, publications, or dissertations based on the Generations and Gender Programme micro-data to the GGP Bibliography via the provided link:

(h) Users must include the following acknowledgement in any work resulting from this research: “This paper uses data from the Generations and Gender Programme ( The Generations and Gender Programme has received funding from the European Commission, its Consortium Board Members, and National Funding Bodies, which are gratefully acknowledged.”

(i) Users must be employed at a scientific institution and must inform the GGP if their institutional affiliation changes or if they cease to work at a scientific institution.

(j) If users fail to honor these obligations, NIDI-KNAW reserves the right to claim damages and/or report the incident to the criminal investigation authorities.

Citing the Data

Please include the following acknowledgement in any work emanating from this research: “This paper uses data from the Generations and Gender Programme ( The Generations and Gender Programme has received funding from the European Commission, its Consortium Board Members and National Funding Bodies which are gratefully acknowledged.”

Please also cite every dataset you use.

Note: You can find the citation guidelines on the respective country page in the GGP Colectica portal at the bottom.



Who is eligible to access the GGP data?

To access the GGP data, you must be a researcher employed at a scientific institution. This requirement ensures that data is used ethically and responsibly. If your institutional affiliation changes or you cease to work at a scientific institution, you must inform the GGP immediately.

What qualifies as a ‘scientific institution’?

A scientific institution is an organization dedicated to systematically investigating and advancing knowledge in a specific field through original research. This includes universities, laboratories, think tanks, and government agencies. Typically, most applications are from individuals affiliated with accredited universities or government offices/agencies.

How is my institutional affiliation verified?

The most straightforward method of verifying your affiliation is by registering with your institutional email address. If your email address is linked to your institution, it’s assumed that you have the respective affiliation. For new institutions not previously registered with GGP, a legitimacy check will be conducted.

What should I do if I am a student and want to access the data?

If you are an undergraduate or master’s student, you must obtain a co-signature from your academic supervisor on the Terms of Acceptable Usage. After obtaining the signature, you can email the signed document to

How is a “student” defined for data access purposes?

A “student” is defined as someone currently enrolled in an undergraduate or master’s program. PhD students are not required to obtain a supervisor’s signature. However, if you self-identify as a student, your application will be treated accordingly.

What happens if I fail to adhere to the Terms of Acceptable Usage?

Failure to comply with the Terms of Acceptable Usage may result in the revocation of data access rights and possible legal action by NIDI-KNAW, including reporting the incident to the appropriate criminal investigation authorities.

Where can I find the Terms of Acceptable Usage?

The Terms of Acceptable Usage can be found on the GGP website. You must read and accept these terms during the registration process to gain access to the data.

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