Szalma, I., & Rékai, K.
A külön élő apák kapcsolattartási szokásai Magyarországon= Patterns of Non-Resident Fathers’ Contacts with Their Children in Hungary
2020, Magyar Tudomány (They say they used Turning Points of Our Lives database for quantitative part) , 181(9) , 1128-1237
URL, RIS, BibTex
  author = "Szalma, I., & Rékai, K.",
  title = "A külön élő apák kapcsolattartási szokásai Magyarországon= Patterns of Non-Resident Fathers’ Contacts with Their Children in Hungary",
  year = 2020,
  journal = "Magyar Tudomány",
  volume = 181(9),
  pages = "1128-1237",
  url = "http://doi.org/10.1556/2065.181.2020.9.9",
  note = "They say they used Turning Points of Our Lives database for quantitative part"